How to germinate marijuana seeds? Germinating or sprouting seeds advice?

Cannabis seeds need only water, heat and air to germinate. They sprout without light in a wide range of temperatures. Properly nurtured seeds germinate in 2 – 7 days, in temperatures from 70 – 90 degrees F. Temperatures above 90 degrees F impair germination. At germination, the outside protective shell of the seed splits and a tiny, white sprout pops out. This sprout is the taproot. Cotyledon or seed leaves emerge from within the shell as they push upward in search of light.

Popular germination techniques:

Soak cannabis seeds overnight in a cup of water. They should get very wet to activate the growth, but don't not let seeds soak more than 24 hours. More than 24 hours without oxygen access will make them suffer oxygen depravation and can cause them to rot. Once soaked, marijuana seeds must be placed between moist paper towels or any oxygen allowing material to let them sprout.

While germinating in a moist but not wet paper towel seeds require oxygen, moist and temperature of 70 – 90 degrees F, meaning warm is enough, but hot or dry will kill them. Make sure they are in darkness. Set the moist cloth or paper towel in a vertical position (so tap root grows down) on a grate (for drainage) on a dinner plate.

Water the cloth/paper towel daily, keeping it moist, letting excess water drain away freely. The cloth will retain enough moisture to germinate your marijuana seeds in a few days. The seeds themselves contain an adequate food supply for germination, but watering with a very mild fertilizer mix will speed up growth.

If you are living in a humid climate, water with a mild 2 percent bleach or fungicide solution to prevent fungus infection. Once seed have sprouted and the white sprout comming out of cracked shell is visible, carefully pick up the fragile sprouts and plant them in a light soil or soilless mix. Take care not to expose the tender rootlet to prolonged intense light or air. Cover the germinated seed in one quarter to one half-inch of fine planting medium with the white sprout tip (the root) pointing down. Keep the the soil or your planting medium evenly moist. Use a spoon to contain the root ball when transplanting into final soil pots. Fertilize with a dilute fertilizer solution, in order to prevent fertilizer burns.

Continue reading here: New study says: marijuana's impact on brain function is minimal

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