Problem diagnostics

If your conditions are as follows and you are experiencing problems then see the problem list below. Check the growing conditions of the plants; make sure they have plenty of light, water and fresh air. Make sure the temperature is between 60 and 85 degrees. Do not over water your plants or they will go bad.

Symptom - what element is needed - how to fix problem

Larger leaves turning yellow smaller leaves still green -Nitrogen deficiency - add nitrate of soda or organic fertilizer.
Older leaves will curl at edges, turn dark, possibly with a purple cast -Phosphorus deficiency - add commercial phosphate.
Mature leaves develop a yellowish wast to least veinal areas -Magnesium deficiency - Add commercial fertilizer with a magnesium content.
Mature leaves turn yellow and then become spotted with edge areas turning dark grey -Potassium deficiency - add marinate of potash.

Cracked stems, no healthy support tissue -Boron deficiency - add any plant food containing Boron.

Small wrinkled leaves with yellowish vein systems -Zinc deficiency - add commercial plant food containing zinc.

Young leaves become deformed, possibly yellowing -Molybdenum deficiency - Use any plant food with a bit of molybdenum in it.

Continue reading here: How to avoid Pot Busts!

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