Why Oregon Should Legalize Marijuana

Accepting the estimate that less than 15 percent of marijuana grown in Oregon is found by police agencies there really is "real money" to be made growing marijuana from cannabis seeds.

Fifteen percent is the cost of doing business.

Not only does Oregon lose billions of dollars to the criminal world, the state also loses the millions of dollars a year wasted in the fruitless effort to prosecute marijuana use out of existence.

There really is a better way.

Legalize marijuana.

The benefits of marijuana legalization are numerous!

Money spent on marijuana would be removed from foreign criminal enterprises and kept within Oregon's economy.

Without the billions of dollars derived from marijuana sales, Mexican cartels are deprived of their primary reason to be here. Starve the cartels out than drive them out.

Clear savings in law enforcement by not wasting funds on the annual marijuana eradication efforts and the ongoing arrest, prosecution and incarceration of otherwise law-abiding adults.

Monetary rewards of marijuana legalization are obvious.

Other less obvious rewards are as important.

Those whose task is to educate our children would no longer be forced to lie about marijuana as part of a perhaps otherwise useful drug education curriculum.

Families would no longer be split apart by the state to "protect" children from the artificially defined "child abuse" supposedly caused by their parents' marijuana use.

How do we go about marijuana legalization?

Two areas to address are private growing from marijuana seeds for personal use and commercial marijuana growing.

One useful idea proposes regulated, licensed marijuana growing by private persons with sales through state liquor outlets.

Other possibilities are a free-market approach, with the state's role limited to quality assurance and tax collection.

Oregonians have said they would happily pay a small licensing fee to grow their own marijuana from cannabis seeds.

Oregon should step up and become the leader in marijuana reform again by issuing licenses to those who want to grow a little marijuana for their own consumption.

Slowly deregulating cannabis prohibition over the next couple of

Continue reading here: How to deal with law enforcement officer or police to prevent getting busted for marijuana

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