Marijuana today, is cannabis a drug or cure ?

Everyone gets some talent at birth ! Everyone ! What I got is empathy - I can easily feel what others beings feel. It is a fascinating feeling, a way to be close to friends and strangers, plants and animals, stars moon and sun(my beloved friend), to be open and help others to open. There are things that stop this way of unity with everything(fear, stress, constant rush, pain and many others, you know them as I do), and there is something - a being that helps to destroy the wall and opens You like a little child is open to exchange energy of life, curiosity with World. It's Marijuana.

There is no way to put it in words, how it feels to be high after sharing a good joint with friends. It is always different, especially when I let myself go and open to anything that can happen. There is one thing I would like to share with all marijuana lovers. It is a movie that expresses the way I feel about life, destiny and being a thread in the fabric of life as well as how to fight for happiness.

Cannabis in Today's Society of Modern World

These days more and more people of all ages, professions and social backgrounds are turning to marijuana. The reasons are both simple and complex as the drug itself. Let's start with highly stressful and demanding, achievement oriented way of life, information overload as computers, media and cell phones flood us with too much data to digest. It is really hard to find the time and peace of mind to relax and enjoy the moment.


Our jobs get increasingly complex and technical with multitasking as a norm in today's workplace. There is a lot of pressure on efficiency and quality of work while the number of tasks to complete grow daily, in effect leaving us in a continually stressful state of mind.

Also our children are affected and strongly influenced. Computer games, tv, cell phones, and internet keep our youth busier than ever before and that converts into a constant brain rush which is mentally very stressful. The perpetual need to maintain contact with a multitude of online and offline friends, pressure to know more and better is indeed time consuming, leaving little time to enjoy the natural company of family members and real time friends. Homework and chores become boring slow duties and are often left behind while we speed on the communication and information superhighway of our days.

Marijuana is rapidly replacing pharmaceuticals as modern drug of choice of millions. Many people, both young and old, are worn down by the enormous challenges of living today's lifestyle. And while the pharmacy market has been flooded with synthetic drugs for many years, like antidepressants, nerve pills and anti anxiety agents, more and more people of today are finding that a simple marijuana joint works wonders on the central nervous system, especially when it comes to stress and pain relief, stimulating creativity and helping in socialization.

Marijuana is healthier and more natural than synthetic pills, easier to find, relatively inexpensive to buy, and needs no doctor's prescription. The plant can be easily grown from widely available online cannabis seeds. A single marijuana cigarette will calm, stabilize, and focus even the most stressed, hurried individual. Marijuana smoking or eating in a form of pot brownies is increasingly common thing in the workplace these days. How to grow marijuana knowledge is popular and easily available in form of texts, books, videos and even instructional movies on a dvd.

It is also a well known fact that marijuana has less overall side effects than most prescription drugs. This fact alone is encouraging the people of today to put down the pill bottle and pick up a joint. Stress is reduced, work output is increased all by the help of an abundant, although mostly illegal, plant. Marijuana, although socially yet unrecognized as such, is the new miracle drug. As we Dutchies say: "One joint a day keeps the doctor away!"

Marijuana use on the rise in US !

Marijuana’s renewed popularity is not limited to any single group of young people. It encompasses age, wealthy, middle-class, and low-income families. It thrives in suburban, urban, and rural populations. It includes high achievers, busy businessmen and average students. It involves every ethnicity and every kind of household. As one stoner reminded me, "A lot of people think it’s just low life and troubled kids who drink and use cannabis. But it’s not. Everybody’s doing it..." Realizing that today’s kids of course overestimate on the norms side of predictions of use, they certainly know better than any adult what their friends and peers are doing. Marijuana is the most widely used soft drug in America today, and this has been the case for some years. Reasons include stress and pain relief, entertainment purposes, stopping mental rush and more. Nearly 90 million Americans have used and enjoyed marijuana in their lifetime, what about you ?

Learn more on history of marijuana, get true facts about marijuana and support legalization of marijuana in your country !

Lifestyle Statistics: Cannabis use (most recent) by country

Continue reading here: Ohio Marijuana Laws - Cannabis Legal Status in Ohio

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